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Mental Health and Well-being

We hope that the websites and information below will provide you with resources to support your mental health and well-being.


Please find our Spring Well-being newsletter below.


If you would like help with supporting your child's mental health:

  • Headroom -  Click here to listen to Alex Scott's introduction to the app.  From there you will be able to access the different parts of the toolkit, including soothing music mixes, inspiring films and more.
  • Please click here for the Emotional Health Directory of Services for Children and Young People in North Somerset.

    This directory provides information about services that are available to support the mental health of children and young people, as well as their parents/carers.

    There is information about:

    • what to do in an emergency
    • other organisations that provide support to address mental health
    • national organisations which provide information and advice 
  • Happiful Magazine - a mental health and well-being magazine with inspiring stories and positive news.  Click here to access the website.
  • Talk to someone - Talk Club.  A talking and listening club for men, a support network for ways to keep mentally fit - click here