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Religious Education

Religious education isn't just a curriculum subject.  As a Church of England school the ethos and values of Christianity permeate school life.  We are very fortunate to have close links with St. Mary's the Virgin Church, which is just across the lane from us. Rev'd Astrid Tiesema-Samsom is a regular visitor to school, taking termly collective worship both in school and in the church.  The major Christian festivals are celebrated in church and parents are most welcome to join us.  The beautiful church building and churchyard are available for us to bring our learning about Christianity to life.

The RE curriculum we follow is the AMV (Awareness, Mystery and Value) syllabus and all children from the foundation stage to Year 6 learn about Christianity and the other major world faiths.  There are two strands in the syllabus, which are learning about religion and learning from religion and human experience.

We are currently on Cycle A. Bluebell coverage runs yearly.