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Music at St Marys is taught by class teachers with the support of Churanga, an online music scheme of work from EYFS up to Year 6. The curriculum allows the children to develop technical skills and knowledge in performing, composing, listening to and appraising music. Personal and social skills are also promoted in the form of personal motivation, building self-esteem and independence, respecting the musical qualities of others and co-operative working with peers and professionals.

A whole-school appreciation of musical performance, from individuals as well as groups of children,  takes place during our celebration assemblies, services in the local church and communal events such as Woodspring’s MAWs Colston Hall concert. There are annual singing workshops for KS1 and Years 3 and 4 in which the children enjoy taking part with other schools across North Somerset.

Progression in skills and knowledge for each year group, using 'Churanga'.