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Foundation Stage

The Early Years Framework for the Foundation Stage was updated in September 2021 and this forms the basis for the teaching and learning provision for our reception children in Bluebell Class.  There are seven areas of learning, the three prime areas are communication and language, physical development and personal social and emotional development; and the four specific areas are literacy (reading and writing), mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design. At the end of the Reception year, practitioners must report on the Early Learning Goals, letting parents know if they have met the expected level of development.  

The maximum class size is 15, and the children have a bright and well resourced learning environment. The class teacher and teaching assistant provide a playful, caring, nurturing and stimulating learning experience for the children. Planning for learning begins with the children, their interests and their current level of development.  We introduce the children to wonderful books that stimulate their imaginations.  Real life experiences provide problem solving opportunities to develop independent thinkers and learners.  A wide range of resources both inside the classroom and in Bluebell's garden inspire creative learning that develop from children's own ideas.  We are very lucky to have a large field with an activity trail and a secluded conservation area that we visit often in all weathers all year round.

Take a look at the Bluebell Class page to see some examples of the children learning and having fun!

A parents' guide to the foundation stage is available by clicking here.

Click here to see the changes that have been made to the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Supporting Oral Language Development