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‘Behaviour Bees’  Behaviour System

We are really pleased to share with you our new ‘Behaviour Bees’ behaviour system at St Mary’s. In line with our school vision and values, we believe that by encouraging and praising the children’s demonstration of the school values, we are helping both the individuals and the whole school to grow and flourish.


Our incentives and rewards recognise the effort, hard work and values that the children are displaying in school while our updated sanctions system makes it clear to the children the consequences of negative behaviour. These were shared with the children at the end of last term and have already received a very positive response. Set out below is an explanation of the different rewards. They are very much in line with our vision and values and reflect the children’s love and enthusiasm for enrichment.


There are opportunities built into the system to recognise both individual and collective achievements with rewards for individual children, classes and the whole school.

If a child displays negative behaviour there is a new system for recording this and a clear structure for the children about the consequences of their actions. This system ensures clear communication with you as parents, so that you are kept informed about the choices that your child is making and can reinforce our school system at home. See below for details about the consequences system.

You might like to spend time talking to your child about the ‘Behaviour Bees’ and the type of words and actions that would help them demonstrate these values and behaviours.


 ‘Behaviour Bees’ – Positive Behaviour System

The ‘Behaviour Bees’ that we expect the children to demonstrate are:

  • Be Kind - Demonstrate compassion in all that they do and say
  • Be Respectful - Work as a community with other children and adults. Demonstrating respect by listening and following the instructions of the school staff and adults working with them and taking care of property and the environment in and out of school
  • Be Safe - Have the courage to be honest and take responsibility for their actions and words
  • Be Your Best - Curiosity to ask questions and work to the best of their abilities to discover all that they can achieve


Individual achievements – rewards

15 bees, across all the values (at least 1 of each value) = a golden bee for the class chart, a bee sticker and a certificate

30 bees, across all the values (at least 2 of each value) =  a golden bee for the class chart, borrow the behaviour bee for the night

45 bees, across all the values (at least 3 of each value) = a golden bee for the class chart, a golden bee badge

Class achievements - rewards

15 golden bees from across the class = a class reward and adding a golden bee to the whole school chart

Whole school achievements – rewards

15 golden bees = a whole school reward of an afternoon of enrichment


Individual Sanctions/Consequences

All children are aware of the systems in place if they demonstrate negative behaviour.

Children receive a red leaf for negative behaviours in class, in line with the stages in the policy. If a child receives three red leaves then they meet with the Headteacher or Deputy Head to discuss their behaviour choices. They are encouraged to turn over a new leaf. The child’s parent is contacted by the class teacher to inform them of their repeated negative behaviour and their individual leaf chart is sent home. There are further consequences and support systems in place for repeated negative behaviours over time.

Further information can be found in our school Behaviour Policy, approved and reviewed by Governors. Please see the document below.

The children are really excited about demonstrating the values and they want to make our school the best place possible. They are fantastic children and I am sure will love the ongoing opportunities to be celebrated for demonstrating our school values.

As always, we will continue to communicate with parents about their child’s behaviour.