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Art & DT


Art Statement of intent- LSP

Art at St Mary’s enables all our pupils to express themselves creatively using different mediums, tools and techniques, which develop as they move up the school through the topic-based framework for progression.

The curriculum is supported by a variety of first and second hand sources including the use of digital media. These sources support the children during the development of their ideas and techniques. Throughout the development stage of their artwork, the children enjoy adult led, self and peer evaluation of their pieces.

The school offers opportunities for the children to work alongside professional artists during our Arts week, which follows the annual theme for The Campaign for Drawing (The Big Draw). Children all across the school, and their parents, have opportunities during the week to experiment with a variety of mediums they may not have used before.

During North Somerset Arts Week, we hold a competition in school with which the successful artists from each year group have their work judged by a special visitor and displayed in the local village hall. After the event, the children have opportunity to view all of their creations in school.

Design and Technology 

Statement of intent- Design and Technology- LSP

Our programme of DT provides opportunities for our children to engage in learning high quality DT by making something, for someone, for some purpose.

We teach specific skills and techniques and provide opportunities to develop thoughtful designs and solve problems, through paired or group work as well as individual work.

Projects cover the main areas of DT, including structures, mechanisms, control, food and textiles. Teachers plan projects to complement the topic themes of their classes.